Ice Cream Cake
2 boxes Chocolate cake mix baked according to box recipe in 9" round pans.
2 gallons of your favorite vanilla ice cream molded into two 9" pans .
(coat pans with wax paper, so you can pull ice cream out of pan)
After cake is cooled, cut one cake in half so that you have 3 layers of chocolate cake and stick in individual large ziploc bags and freeze overnight.
The next day after your cake pieces are frozen and your ice cream is molded, assemble your cake into 5 layers (as shown above, starting with cake).
Stick cake back in freezer and freeze about 30 minutes-1 hour
Take cake out and frost with your favorite frosting. (I used whipped cream frosting). Then stick back in the freezer until ready to consume!!!

It was yummy!! Happy Birthday Ryan.....Ginny thanks for having such a wonderful son and for sharing your receipe.