I saw this little question and answer post on Rachel Denbow's blog and I just couldn't resist doing it myself....
2. How do you take care of yourself? I lay on my bed while the kiddos are napping and I read. (Currently it is the last book in the Twilight Series...I'm on Team Edward if you were wondering)
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? Both-I get inspired by other people and then it takes some thinking and talking to myself to get motivated...but once I get going I am off and cannot be stopped.
4. What do you do for fun? Photograph everyday things in life, spend time with my hubby,paint with my kiddos, dance (essential to everyday life...even when you're just cooking or doing laundry) and go antiquing...
5. What intimidates you? Fear of people that don't like my creativity...
6. What is something you're proud of? Running a 10 K....(hopefully by the end of the year a full marathon) giving birth to my two kiddos and successfully growing a full garden last year.
7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________go to bed after a night of dancing without washing my feet before bed. ( I know...weird)
8. Favorite vacation spot. Anywhere with a beach...
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). 8
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________I had a pig as a pet growing up and his name was Pier.

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