I'm doing it...another online craft class taught by Rachel Denbow and Elsie Flannigan....they are truly two of my favorite bloggers out there....so inspirational! This time it is crafts for the little ones...Some you make for them and some involve their little hands too...I am so excited! You can still sign up here
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Small Craft
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I've been thinking a lot about HOPE lately. Hope is defined as: to cherish a desire with anticipation. I have become consumed with hope lately as I am hoping for something so much right now. I am not only hoping, but praying about it every night....but then I start to wonder, am I hoping too much that I am not enjoying this moment that I am living in this very minute? My hopefulness has consumed me and it seems as though that is all I can think about lately. When does hope become too much and at what point do you give up hope? Do you ever or do you just keep hoping forever? Believe me, I am very optimistic and try to stay positive, but I really do wonder, is there such thing as too much hope???
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Whipped cream on top....
You see, I love caramel frappacinos, but usually I have enough self restraint to not drink them but once a month. Well this week I have had one everyday and two today...its the end of the summer and I am frankly just burnt out of entertaining my kiddos all day long (they don't start preschool until after labor day) and its been hot and I have been working out my booty everyday and mother nature called this week and well, frankly, I deserve a little blended delight with whip cream and caramel sauce on top....and yes I licked the lid too and enjoyed every minute of it!!!
oh and on another note, just wondering if anyone reads this blog and if so, would any of you be interested in a giveaway in September???....hello are you out there??? please post a comment if you are interested???
Father & Sons
A few weekends ago I photographed a 70th birthday party. It was a lot of fun and the family was so wonderful. This is a photograph of Robert (in the middle) who was the birthday boy and his four sons. They seemed to have so much love for each other...it was a very neat relationship to see and so inspiring!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
We did it...
We got rid of the cable box today on all of our TV's in the house. We now have an antenna (do you remember what that is?) So that means we only get local channels and with no TIVO (OMG!)
We do have a Roku box and are able to watch Netflix and listen to Pandora via our TV, but our kids are only allowed to watch 1 hour of TV a day. If they can watch no TV, that is even better.
Why you ask?
Well, we found ourselves having the TV on almost all day as background noise and we would let the kids watch it whenever they wanted as to not have a major meltdown. At nighttime after the kids were in bed my husband and I would just watch it to watch it. There would be nothing interesting on, but we would just be staring blankly into the screen. Our neighbors did it a few weeks ago and inspired us. We were talking with them the other night about how WE as parents need to be the role models for our children and show them other alternatives to TV such as reading, painting or just playing. We tend to do what is easiest and that is turn on the TV....so today we listened to the Eddie Veder channel on Pandora and the kiddos helped me clean the house,we read, we did some watercolor painting and they helped me make a smoothie. It was such a simple day, but it had so much more meaning than any other day and now sitting here tonight, I actually feel like I accomplished something. Maybe your reading this now shaking your head thinking I am a crazy person, but honestly, you should try it....you will feel so free....
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sweet Stella

Friday, August 6, 2010
Smile and Wave
Smile and Wave is by far one of my most favorite blog sites. Rachel truly inspires me everyday. She featured the pictures of my kiddos holding her Chalkboard thought bubble...yay...thank you...you just made my day!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010
I Heart You
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
uno, dos, tres, quatro...