Have a Happy New Year and please be safe!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I made this last week and it was so scrumptious...It is from the Gourgeously Green website. Her book is great too!(*Note, it says to use fresh pumpkin and I used canned pumpkin and it turned out great. Also, I would not use as much red chile flakes as it was pretty spicy. Maybe 1/4 teaspoon instead)....enjoy!!
2 tbsp butter
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp red chile flakes
7-ounce pumpkin, seeds and flesh removed, chopped into 1-inch cubes
3 cups chicken or vegetable stock
3 cups whole milk (vegan: soy silk)
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 cup chopped green Swiss chard, stalks removed
1 cup cooked brown rice
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Melt the butter in a heavy stockpot over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until softened, about 5 minutes. Add the cumin and red chile flakes and cook for 2 minutes. Add the pumpkin, stock, milk, and salt and pepper to taste, and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and simmer for 20 minutes, or until the pumpkin is tender. Purée the soup with an immersion blender until smooth. Add the chard leaves and simmer for 5 minutes. Spoon into warmed soup bowls, add a mound of rice to each bowl, and dust with the cinnamon.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sarah Bareilles rocked it! Such an amazing show. The venue was gorgeous, her voice was beautiful and she is a pretty funny gal. Can't wait to see her again someday. Raining Jane opened for her and they were pretty amazing too! Sarah (yes, we are on a first name basis now) did a cover of Radiohead's "Nice Dream"...it gave me chills...WOW! Well, now it's back to the mad week before Christmas rush!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
address please?
Here is the ole' Christmas card this year! I love getting Christmas cards in the mail everyday...it is the one thing that brightens my day. I especially love the ones with photos to see how people have changed over the year, especially the little ones! Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 13, 2010
I wish...
Aren't they all so dreamy???
A girl can wish!
What's on your wishlist?

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Cherish the moments
So, on another note, here is a picture of my hubby and I from a family photo shoot we did recently...mmm, I love him!
Oh and my son just threw up...lovely...it is going to be a long night, but it is okay because this is what being a mother is all about!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
What I wore...Disected
Here is the outfit I wore for a day of wine tasting this last weekend. As you can see, I am wearing a lot of stuff from Target...I was going to try and come up with an excuse or justification as to why everything I am wearing is from Target (because it is a little embarassing) but simply put, Target is easy and it is the one place I can stick my children in a shopping cart and bribe them with treats and toys so that I can try on clothes if only for 5 minutes...pure bliss!!! For now on I'll stick to buying stuff online....Oh and yes...I might also add, that my husband made a comment about my socks sticking out of my boots. He said, "is that the style these days?" "I'd like to see a picture of that from a magazine." I said,"ha, yes, it is, I'll show you." So I went and grabbed my latest Urban Oufitters catalog and showed him just who the stylish one is in this family....
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Little Helper
(inspired by this blog) and of course he couldn't do it without his little helper...so cute!!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Look what I snagged today...only $4.00
I was just at Urban Outfitters earlier in the day and was looking at some similar for close to $50.00
When I saw this one at the thrift store I was so excited, especially after I saw the price. What made the purchase even sweeter was the little old woman that checked me out and how she said what a nice purse it was...she was adorable! Sitting on my new purchase is the current book I'm reading that my hubby bought me at the airport a few months ago. I will only be 29 for 2 more months and he thought of me when he saw the book....what a sweetie! Have you found any stellar thrifted items lately?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
4 kids, 2 adults and a week in Tahoe
.the fall colors
.looking for pinecones and sticks with our munchkins
.the girls deciding to do Rocco's hair with a bow (and him enjoying it)
.good talks
.glasses of wine
.good, fresh food
.hikes that only lasted 30 minutes
.the munchkins getting naked and going in the freezing lake and loving it
.cuddling with our kids
.drinking warm coffee every morning
.carving pumpkins
.my car breaking down and having to be towed
.everyone looking at us like we were crazy
It was a truly priceless trip...we can't wait to do it again!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
One last bit of Halloween
Here's a look at my kiddos costumes....I got to spend a night with Belle and Batman. They would only stop for a second so they could get their picture snapped. It was a fun night. I'm trying to decide what to do with all of this Halloween candy now, but the decorations are packed up and now I am ready to decorate for Christmas....
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Lady Gaga
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A Fall Day in Lake Tahoe
The kids and I and our good friends have been enjoying the week up in Lake Tahoe. It has been gorgeous up here and we are loving the fall colors....I will have more photos and fun from our trip to share next week! It has been a nice calm before the storm of Halloween soon arriving!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Fire, fire!

Friday, October 22, 2010
Kale Chips
Anyways, I wanted to share a fabulous, easy and healthy recipe with you...
Kale Chips
1 bunch of Kale washed and dried (stems removed)
Olive Oil
Lay Kale individually out on a cookie sheet. Brush or spritz with a bit of olive oil. Sprinkle salt and pepper on each Kale leaf and bake in oven at 350 for about 30 minutes. Let cool and enjoy!!!
My kids didn't like them too much, but at least they gave it a try!
Have a wonderful weekend....it is officially fall here....finally!
Now it's back to working on my Halloween costume (it's a good one)....just wait!!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Launch

Friday, October 15, 2010
Another pumpkin recipe....
Harvest Loaf Muffins
Mix together:
1 3/4 cups sifted flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon cloves
Beat together:
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
Then, mix dry ingredients with wet ingredients, plus add:
3/4 cup pumpkin
3/4 cup chocolate chips
Grease pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or you can bake in a loaf pan for 65-70 minutes.
Have a happy Fall Weekend.....Here in Northern, Cali, it is not quite fall yet, we still have temperatures in the high 80's...hopefully by next week it will feel like fall around here!!!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Pumpkin Patch

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The pumpkin smoothie
Well, here it is, the first full week of October, so I thought I would share a pumpkin recipe with you. Everyone in line around me at Whole Foods seriously thought I was crazy when I was buying 8 cans of pumpkin. They asked me if I was worried they would run out...I said no, but honestly, yes, I am a little bit scared. You see, when the leaves start changing colors and the air gets crisp, I can't resist anything with pumpkin and let alone baking with it. I know by December, I will be disgusted by it, but for now, I am enjoying the stacks of canned pumpkin in my pantry. For this week, I am sharing a pumpkin smoothie recipe with you...so delicious and the kids gulped it up!!
Pumpkin Fruit Smoothie
1 cup frozen strawberries
2 frozen bananas
3/4 can of pumpkin
1/2 cup rice milk
Blend it up and enjoy!!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
34 years
My parents just celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary this last Saturday. They got married when my dad was 19 and my mom was 17 and they are still so happily married. I feel so blessed to have such amazing role models and parents. I love you Mom and Dad
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Who knew Florida could be so much fun!!!
In a nutshell, this was our vacation....
Disneyworld was a blast, but we were truly exhausted after spending the day there. Savanna thought she was a princess being there and enjoyed seeing all of the characters and riding the rides while Rocco snoozed. The beach was so relaxing! We spent our mornings swimming at the pool while enjoying some poolside libations. We all took naps and then enjoyed our afternoons on the beach before heading inside to cook dinner. They had a farmer's market our first day in town which was so exciting and we splurged on all of the local veggies, fruits and of course, fish! My hubby made some mouthwatering meals...yum! We had a great time with family, got to enjoy a little date night and eat ice cream almost everyday!!! It was a fabulous vacation....can't wait to do it again next year!!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
And the winner is....
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A busy day with pumpkin spice love...
You see, today, I will be drinking many of these as we have a long travel day to Florida to see my wonderful in-laws.
Tomorrow we are headed to Disneyworld and then Saturday we head to the beach for a week....pure relaxation (the beach part that is).
(sorry, am I making you jealous?)
Don't be, because I also have something for you to look forward to...remember that giveaway I talked about??? Yes, I didn't forget, I know you thought I did. Well I have a $10 Starbucks gift card up for grabs. All you have to do is tell me about the best cup of coffee you ever had and where you enjoyed it. Giveaway ends Sunday, September 26th upon my return and the winner will be announced on Monday, the 27th. A winner will be chosen through Random.org
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
My baby...
Monday, September 13, 2010
This is one of my best friends and her beautiful family. I photographed them on Sunday in the sweltering heat. We were all sweating while stumbling over rocks and walking over snake holes and she was in high heels. It was a blast and we had some great laughs...
Friday, September 10, 2010
End of the Summer Salad
Cucumber (from my garden)
Cherry Tomatoes (from my garden)
Corn (leftover from dinner the other night)
Blue Cheese Crumbles
3 tablespoons cup of Goddess Dressing
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What I wore...
So, here is my first "What I wore..." You can love it, you can hate it, but I love feedback...
So for my first "what I wore" I need to tell you that I bought these ankle boots about two months ago after seeing them on the cute girl that worked in the Brass Plum section of Nordstrom. I asked her where she got them and she said, "right downstairs in the shoe department." I made a bee-line downstairs to snag these adorable boots....
So I loved them when I bought them, and I still love them, but I just wasn't sure how to wear them. I seriously sat on the internet one night for about an hour googling "how to wear ankle boots"....I know, you're laughing right now, but I am totally serious! The boots intimidated me and I'm sure in the hell not famous, but I had this image in my head of showing up on a magazine as the worst dressed (like what was she thinking when she got dressed today), I could see young girls staring at me and shaking their heads...
And of course my husband looks at me like what are you wearing, because he isn't always up to date on fashion (but that's okay, I still love him to death).
Well, last night (after talking to my kids babysitter last week who is 17 and is in high school) making sure that I wasn't going to make a fashion faux pas, I "rocked" the boots (no not knocked the boots...your dirty little minds). I just held my head high and I wore my little ankle boots. Of course I went out to dinner with two of my long time friends and not one of them said anything the whole night (so in my mind I'm thinking, oh my gosh, they must wonder what I'm wearing)....until right before we are about to leave my friends house at the end of the night, her husband (who is very fashionable himself) says, "I love your boots, the whole outfit looks great." My friends agreed and said "yeah, I would have never thought to wear them with a dress, it is so cute though." I felt redeemed, like oh, I did it, I really am still somewhat hip after two kids. So you can love it or hate it, but I'm just glad I finally had the guts to rock my boots!!! And....I totally owe my babysitter for being my personal fashionista right now...You rock Lizzie!
On the wishlist...
Now that fall is slowly creeping up, I always begin thinking about my Christmas list. Since I was a young girl, I have always made a Christmas list. It used to be from the pages of the JCPenney catalog, but now all my wishes and wants I find while perusing my favorite websites and blogs. This year, I am jonesing for one of these chairs in pink from here.
(hint hint Mom and Ryan)
What are some of your wishes this Christmas...and please don't say World Peace.....